Everything Enchantment Theatre produces for the stage is original material
We do not use existing scripts that have been performed elsewhere. Each show is completely created by Enchantment, based on a fairy tale, fable, or other classic story for children. The music is written specifically to support the show, and masks, puppets, costumes, and sets are built for our exclusive use.
Why is originality important?
It demonstrates our thorough respect for children. We believe they deserve theatrical productions that are as carefully and thoughtfully crafted as shows created for adults.
We want what our audiences see to be consistent with that respect, and different from the commercialized and often superficial products that are staged for children.
Having to think through an adaptation of a classic tale from start to finish demands a level of insight into children’s needs and perceptions of the world that is not always available in other approaches.
This commitment to originality takes considerable time and resources, but most of all it demands that children take top priority in what we do. We aim to create a totally new world for them onstage, one that has never been seen before.
We think that too much of what children experience today on the stage, on television, and in the movies has been unnecessarily “dumbed down” or styled in cartoon fashion. A teacher whose class attended one of our performances said that in contrast, “Enchantment takes them to a world beyond their current perception of reality,” which she said is an experience of particular value for urban children.